The Association For Integration of The Whole Person, AIWP Miracles Ministry
It is with great honor and with great love that we welcome you. We are a 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit, Charitable, Denominational, Spiritual/Religious and Community Service Organization (Tax ID 95-3455451). We provide a number of community services including Quality, Professional, Low Cost, Successful Online Coaching / Individual and Relationship Counseling to the community.
AIWP has no rigid dogma however believes that love of life
and people is achieved through an integrated awakening
of the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional processes.
Hi My Name is Dr. Tim Ryan and it is my pleasure as Director and lead counselor, it my pleasure to welcome you to our site.
At AIWP Miracles Ministry, We Are Dedicated to Energizing and Supporting the Well-Being of Others with Community Services and On-Line Individual and Relationship Counseling.
It is our mission is to provide you with the latest skills you can learn to use for yourself to Remove Barriers to Love’s Awareness, Heal and Enrich Relationships and Promote Conscious Intentional Living for a More Compassionate World.
Our Seminars, Workshops individual/ Individual Couples Counseling / Coaching Sessions are dedicated to helping you learn skills to resolve conflict on all levels and gain inner wisdom from reclaiming your authentic connection to improve health, wealth and relationships.
We invite individuals, couples, parents, and children to learn concrete skills to remove barriers to love and discover within themselves and others a more meaningful compassionate and authentic relationship.
We offer individual and relationship skill training sessions which include the latest discoveries from compassionate listening, Imago Relationship Training, Shadow Work, Mars Venus Principles, Energy Healing with applications of EFT, Matrix Re-imprinting and Energy Healing with META Healing for stress reduction to release energy blocks.
We help you transform limiting emotions, beliefs and patterns which are the basis of all underlying conflicts, suffering and lack of fulfillment. We also offer skill training for success in all areas of your life.
Our aim is to support you to energize and transform all aspects of your life and integrate your physical, mental emotional and spiritual dimensions of your life.
Our highest intention is that you be grounded in your body, lead with your heart and soar with your spirit. Join us and gain the support you need to remove blocks and transform all limiting aspects of your body, mind, heart, and spirit.
At AIWP Miracles Ministry, we are dedicated to healing and energizing the well-being of other. We believe that love of life and people is achieved through an integrated awakening of the physical, relationship, mental, spiritual, and emotional processes.
AIWP Miracles Ministry has been devoted to healing separation and conflict for the past 24 years. We teach simple, concrete healing, self/other connection and intimacy building skills which will help you live more compassionately and authentically renewing and restoring all your relationships freeing you to be able to maximize your ability to give and receive love.
WE ARE COMMITTED to Removing Barriers to Love and Returning You to Wholeness
WE OFFER a wide variety of training and resources to help you release emotional pain and open yourself to greater happiness, health, wealth and relationship fulfillment.
WE BELIEVE that our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create the biochemistry of our body and shape our relationships, our health and well being.
WE VALUE the evidence of modern quantum science which shows that the mind and body are inseparable and regardless of your past conditioning you have unlimited possible futures. We also value the teachings of all spiritual masters who teach us that we are far beyond our minds and personal viewpoints.
We are proud of our inheritance of being ahead of our time; we advance the ideal of life-long learning and we believe that the potential of human development is sacred.
We TEACH a new manner of communication that is the Power of Love (Compassionate Heart Dialogue.) The Power of Spirit (Aware Stillness) and the Power of Mind (Inner Wisdom) with Intention, Attunement, and Discernment ) which when integrated opens a channel to the joy of reciprocal oscillation and free-flowing giving and receiving of Total Love.
WE UNDERSTAND that all of our techniques are offered as a bridge to a new way of thinking from which each of us is empowered to take responsibility to live well and peacefully and thereby create a more meaningful connection in a compassionate world worth sharing.
AIWP Miracles Ministry is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit healing, counseling and charitable organization set up so that spiritual person could gain the blessings of self-empowerment and greater confidence with skills of integration.
We support those receptive to learn skills to reconnect with themselves and experience their own awakening and integration with a greater sense of personal and relational responsibility to experience a shared communion or unity and compassion with life.
WE HOPE you will join with us on your own journey to integrate your mind, body, and heart enhancing your spiritual well-being and become a beneficial presence bringing the realization to the planet that it can only sustain itself with an awareness of our original nature as love leading to greater Love Intelligence and Compassion.
Are you Longing For More Understanding and Fulfillment. More Enjoyment and Cooperation. More Peace and Ease. More Aliveness and Inspiration. In just a few sessions, you can have this and more.
Join Us and We Will Teach You
How to Awaken Your Mind and Open Your Heart To the Love Of Who You Really Are!
The Core of AIWP Miracles Ministry
AIWP Miracles Ministry believes the basic energy of life is love. Love is manifested in human beings through mental, emotional physical, and spiritual integration. We are ultimately responsible for learning our lessons and developing our own awareness of our ultimate Truth. At AIWP, we are dedicated to helping you achieve this and all your goals to be able to live your life with more meaning and purpose.
Everyone, (whether he/she knows it or not) is on a quest of greater understanding and experiencing Love’s Awakening and fulfillment in their lives. Most conflicts arise from the inability to give or receive love. It is the inalienable right of every person to embrace the responsibility to know their core Being as Love and seek support from persons qualified to remove blocks to their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. All of our programs have the goal of teaching empowerment and transformational skills on how to be successful in better ways to connect to and give and receive love.

As such, we are committed to helping you uncover your true potential to become your best self with your best relationship and celebrate life with greater passion and aliveness. Dr. Ryan specializes in Transformation Techniques including: Energy Healing, Health and Wellness, Mind, Body, Spirit Integration and Individual Relationship Intimacy Enrichment and Transformation. Dr. Ryan has been trained in and he uses the latest state of the art techniques to dissolve conflict, transform relationships and experience higher states of consciousness. See About Me
Dr. Ryan also believes that we are all on a journey to learn greater ways to give and receive love. Dr. Ryan’s goal as a Faith-Based Healer and Relationship Expert and Health and Wellness Counselor is to teach you powerful problem-solving tools that you can use right away to heal and transform all aspects of your life. You can set up a time for a free 15- 20 min. get acquainted session today. Text Dr. Ryan At 949-250-1423. or submit a contact form
Twenty-First Century Religion
AIWP Miracles Ministry is not here to promote a new religion or compete with other religions. We believe each person and/or couple when given the necessary skills to guide them, can awaken to their natural state of wholeness or universal spirituality, which is Unconditional Love. We believe when individuals attain the ability to have the Compassionate State of Awareness the entire world is uplifted and blessed with a ripple of responsiveness to everyone’s needs mattering.
We understand that a universal theology is impossible, but believe as stated in the Course In Miracles, “universal experience of our spiritual nature is not only possible but necessary.” Our Returning To Love Program sees human beings as possessing a wealth of undiscovered underdeveloped strengths, assets, and resources all of which are available as blocks are removed and the person becomes integrated and learns how to authentically express themselves.
AIWP Miracles Ministry was founded to offer a safe sanctuary for all people regardless of sex, color, creed or religious affiliation. We support individuals, couples, parents, and children to explore positive harmonious connections based on understanding and expression of authentic needs. We teach compassionate connection to self and others as the best way to promote the tenet “Love One Another.” We believe that self /other connection via Compassion allows the true realization of spiritual values. We also support the discovery of intrinsic worth leading to a life that is restorative and integrative which will result in greater compassion in the world and upgrade the entire planet.
Love is the Religion of the 21st Century and Compassion is the Highest State of Love
At AIWP Miracles Ministry, we believe the religion of the twenty-first century is about awakening to our true nature and our ability to give and receive love. AIWP Miracles Ministry offers support for holistic energy healing and relationship counseling with a focus on awareness training, skill training, and Integration of the Mind/Body/Heart and Spirit.
At AIWP Miracles Ministry, we believe all religions, in essence, are attempts to understand the Divine and return to Love. Through the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Bruce Lipton, Byron Katie, Gregg Branden, Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, and many others, more and more people are beginning to realize that true spirituality is more than a dogma, labels or blind faith in religious institutions.
We are committed to bringing individuals, couples, parents, and children the latest most powerful, healing and restorative techniques available. Our mission is to create a partnership with you and empower you to remove anything holding you back from accomplishing what really matters to you.
Whether you come in as an individual, couple, family or parent wanting help with children, Dr. Ryan will show you how to remove energy blocks and gain the insight and skills necessary to move past the problem. He will show you how to get immediate relief and create a brighter more fulfilling and satisfying future.
You will learn practical principles and skills that provide the support you need to create positive change. You will receive the a personally custom-designed assessment with Dr. Ryan supporting each step of the way. Dr. Ryan has thirty years of practice to help you become your best self, with your best relationships and have the best authentic life ever.
This practice is sanction by The Association For The Integration of the Whole Person a 501 (c-3) Spiritual Religious Organization to provide Pastoral Health & Relationship Counseling
services to our clients.
Community Services Include:
- Concrete skills for Anxiety Reduction Conflict Resolution
- Spiritual Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Online Individual and Relationship Counseling
- Healing
- Online Prayer Requests Ministry
- Mind,Body Spirit Integration
- Weekly Support Meetings.
- Holistic Mind, Body Spirit Energy Healing,
- Pastoral Marriage Family Relationship Counseling
- Returning To Love: Coaching for Conflict Resolution Skill Training for Individuals and Couples
- Imago Relationship Training and Soul Contract Healing
- Compassionate Dialogue based on Nonviolent Communication
- Individual Success Coaching
- Whole Parent Whole Child Coaching Program
- Health and Wellness Counseling with META Healing and META-Health
- Holistic Spirit Energy Healing
- Nonviolent Communication
- Online Enneagram Transformation Training and
- Ongoing Mentoring and Spiritual Study
- Conflict Resolution Relationship Coaching and Counseling
- Success Coaching with NLP, Self Hypnosis
- Meditation
- Alternative and Complementary Wellness Support
- META Healing
- META-Health Coaching
- Energy Healing
- Community Service Offerings :
- Course in Miracles Book Study
- EFT NLP Self Care Skill Training
- Community Support Services Seminars Personal Growth Training and Enrichment
- Advancement in Spirituality AIS Direction
- (AIS )Scholarship Program (Advancement in Spirituality) and
- Certificate Training in Energy Healing with EFT and NLP with Mind, Body Spirit Counseling
- Advancement in Spirituality (AIS) Scholarship Fund and Program
- ACIM Scholarship Book Drive to support understanding and use of A Course In Miracles
- Trans personal Self Hypnosis
- Spiritual Cinema
- Prayer Miracles Study Group
- Meditation and Prayer Support Group
- Weddings and Transition Services
- Package Discounts for Seniors, Health Care, Government Workers, Military, Veterans, Union Workers Member
I am a Christian by faith (please don’t hold this against me. I am not rigid or legalistic in any way. See Testimonies and I accept of all paths that are based on compassion and love.
I have been practicing as a faith-based counselor and minister for over thirty years.
My practice is based on integrative values as the latest behavior science and psychological principles and techniques.
My goal is to help Individuals, Couples, Parents, and Children discover and better understand themselves and their struggles from a spiritual perspective and learn concrete skills to have the best self, relationships and life ever.
I am best known for my humor and practical way of taking complex subjects and making them easy to understand.
I am committed to being present and compassionate enabling you to be safe and see your issues from a larger perspective.
My clients have found me to be solution focused therapist with a number practical skills to create a safe place for transformation.
I have spent several years of study as a student of the Course In Miracles and Existential Meta Psychiatry, under the direction of Dr. Thomas Hora, M.D. P.C.
Meta psychiatry (going beyond pathology to the study of Wholeness) and The Course in Miracles are Self Help Spiritual Paths allowing students to deepen their spiritual and heal barriers to love.
I am also knowledgeable and skilled in many of the other leading relationship theorist and therapist of our time.
My training (See About Me) also includes the latest energy healing modalities in mind, body spirit healing and integration of today.
AIWP Miracles Ministry is a 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit, Non-Denominational, Charitable Spiritual/Religious Community Service Organization (Tax ID 95-3455451). Dr Ryan practices as a Professional Coach, Ordained Minister/Healer and Individual and Marriage Counselor. This healthcare practice is is sanction by the First Amendment of The Constitution of The United States regarding Sparation of Church and State and not to any State Licensing authority. More specifically, they do not examine, diagnose or treat, or offer to treat or cure or attempt to cure, any mental or physical disease, disorder or illness, or any physical deformity or injury. Also, PMA licensees do not recommend or prescribe any medications or pharmaceutical drugs.
Products and services offered by this site are provided subject to this Information Disclaimer.