Online, Professional Quality Relationship / Health / Spiritual Healing and Transformation
Mar 19, 2016

Marriage and Relationship Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Many individuals get stuck time to time and go through difficult patches in their life and their relationships.   It’s important not to wait too long to get help.  Couples who wait usually stay stuck which only leads to reinforcing negative patterns. The Gottman Institute for Couples research state that couples on average wait six years before they actually get help.  By this time, core beliefs are reinforced and habits and negative patterns are ingrained and take longer to correct.

Major life stress, drifting apart, anger  and or numbness issues,  frequent fighting or lack of intimacy and losing interest are the first signs of a negative, downward spiraling relationship and reasons to seek help.  According to William Doherty, a family social science professor at the University of Minnesota, counseling is successful 70-80% of the time.   A third party perspective can be immensely helpful because we don’t see ourselves objectively and it is much easier for someone objective to see how each partner contributes to the problems.

Statistics also show that the average couple waits 6 years to go for counseling, which is unfortunate, because the sooner it’s started, the higher the chance of success.

At The Association for Integration of the Whole Person, Returning to Love Skill Training Program,  we provide a safe neutral place for each person to be heard and understood.  We help each of you to not only understand the deeper meaning of your relationship challenges but learn concrete skills you can use right away to take your relationship to the next level.


The Returning to Love Program also helps Individuals and Couples identify strengths, skills, and support having a spiritual perspective to better understand their relationship as a spiritual path to wholeness.  The goal is to explore difference as an aspect of your soul contract leaning about your shadow parts and learn new and effective ways of communicating, supporting, relating, understanding and encouraging each other to heal and integrate their shadow parts throughout the process.
Couples who start out saying ‘ We feel like “worst enemies” or My Relationship is my “worst nightmare” become aware of their shadow soul contract and understand the purpose of their relationship is a custom teaching device to help them return to wholeness.   Through awareness training and willingness to interrupt old dysfunctional habits, many couples report learning better ways of being mutually supportive and understanding .  By the end of the program, couples report having successfully transfered ta more positive respectful relationship where everyone’s needs matter.

Call now to book your appointment.

I am committed to offering you a fast track to peace with compassionate marriage and relationship counseling in person or on-line at one of my offices in Newport Beach or Bonsall California.

Each relationship is different, so I’ll listen to your specific problems and help you each come together and learn how you conflict can actually be used to bring you closer together.   I can help you learn concrete skills to build your relationship up rather then tear it down.


We strongly believe that the quality of your health, wealth, and happiness is only as good as the quality of your relationships.  Some couples come to me for help getting over a rough patch in a mostly good relationship, while others come as a last resort to see if their marriage relationship can be saved.  Either way, our program can help you start building bridges and stop building walls.  We teach you  you a step by step skill training Model A to Z  to create a relationship of your dreams not your nightmares.

What ever you are struggling with I can help you understand it as a soul contract and Soul Solution.  Conflicts are more often dissolved as much as resolved.  I focus on healing the mind, body and spirit, and I want to help each person in the relationship maintain an authentic and positive outlook. I believe I can help make a difference in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

I have over 30 years of experience and I am passionate about helping couples co-create a vision which supports a conscious, compassionate, harmonious intimate relationship.  Give me six sessions and I will show you your blocks to intimacy and the skills to remove them.






We specialize in Healing and Restoring Relationships To their Full Potential

We will show you how to get past your power struggle, remove conflict and heal and enrich your relationship to create passion and aliveness in ways you never imagined.

You will lean how to understand your conflict in such a way that the two of you can use it to bring you closer together. We will teach you about your soul contract and give you concrete skills to stay connected, stay close by knowing how to remove barriers to your intimacy.  You will see yourselves as partners again and understand why you are together. Join us and learn principles and skills to understand your relationship as a path to wholeness and rediscover why you fell in love in the first place.

You learn  about your love language and discover creative ways to better give and receive love. You will know how to overcome self sabotage and use each others Love Language to increase romance, fulfillment and  your connection to abundance in all ways.

I am a Board Certified in numerous mind, body, spirit healing techniques and practice as a Board Certified Professional Counselor and Relationship Expert.   I am highly intuitive and creative in helping you discover Soul – solutions to your problems.  I have over 30 years of experience helping individuals, couples and parents and children,   I have the latest training in evidence-based techniques and am a registered member of The Marriage  Friendly Therapists and the lifetime member of The Emotionally Focused Therapist For Excellence.

I will help you create a safe place where both of you can be safe and rebuild the trust that your needs matter.  I will help you regain your closeness to work in partnership and see your issues in an entirely new way.

Once you learn how to create a safe sanctuary, both of you will be able to understand better ways to handle your conflict and work together to remove the underlying core beliefs and limiting thoughts and recurring negative feelings.   In just a few sessions I can show you a way you and your partner can move to the next level of your relationship and create the relationship of your dreams not your nightmares.

I have offices in Orange County Newport Beach serving Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Coast and North San Diego County, in  Bonsall, serving  Oceanside, Fall Brook, and Temecula and Vista CA,  I have also had success with internet phone counseling sessions for individuals, couples, Families and Parents and Children.

Call  949-250-1423  Dr. Tim Ryan today.

By the end of the program you both will understand your soul contract and realize each of you are doing the best you can with what you know and how you were brought up.  By the end of the program each of you will see yourself and your partner differently.  See yourself and your partner and neither Saints nor Villains and know yourself and your partner are neither victims or perpetrators.   You will be more connected to yourselves and each other on a physical, mental, emotional as well as a spiritual level.  You will understand and know how to work with each other in the context of your soul contract.